Video Games
Create. Inspire. Play.
Based in Ireland, we’re different, creative and building an empire. Be part of our journey.
Get all the latest updates on our games, including release dates, developer blogs, game prices, and sales.
Based in Ireland, we’re different, creative and building an empire. Be part of our journey.
Get all the latest updates on our games, including release dates, developer blogs, game prices, and sales.
Startup Assistance, Investment and Funding
Starting Up? If you’re a tiny startup or budding movie director looking for micro funding, advice or support we’d love to hear from you. The Baby Dragon program will help indie developers, micro funding for first time startups and kickstarters.
Wear the vision. Visit our Merch store to purchase t-shirts and more.
Visual Storytelling. Movies, short films and media creation.
We’re hiring : Current Job Openings:
Media development and production.
Learn about our apps and books. Get details on our latest book ‘New Thinking New Results’
Who are Scattergood Studios? Learn about the company, our vision, and our founder.