Scattergood Studios launches with 5 new game titles at GamerFest.
Dublin, Ireland, Oct 2023 – In an Irish first, new game development studio Scattergood Studios launches with 5 brand new titles at GamerFest supported by Savage X the leading Irish K-POP dance group.
Cén aois é Mario?
Cluichí, Mario, Uncategorized @gaIs beag carachtair cluiche físeán chomh íocónach agus beloved mar Mario. Tá an pluiméir mustachioed ina chaipín dearg agus forchiníocha gorma ina stáplacha den domhan cearrbhachais le blianta fada. Ach tá tú wondered riamh ach cé chomh sean Is Mario? A ligean ar Léim isteach i stair Mario agus iniúchadh a dhéanamh ar an aois roinnt de chuid cairde agus foes sa Ríocht Muisiriún.
AI i bhForbairt Cluiche
Uncategorized @gaAI agus Forbairt Cluiche
Tá Intleacht Shaorga (AI) tagtha chun bheith ina bhunchloch d’fhorbairt cluichí nua-aimseartha, ag athrú an chaoi a ndéantar cluichí a dhearadh, a fhorbairt agus a bhfuil taithí acu orthu
An Féidir Leat Airgead A Dhéanamh Díreach Ag Imirt Cluichí?
Uncategorized @gaSan aois dhigiteach, is cosúil le aisling a thagann an smaoineamh airgead a thuilleamh agus tú ag baint leasa as do chaitheamh aimsire is fearr leat – ag imirt cluichí físeáin -. Ach an bhfuil sé indéanta i ndáiríre? Déanaimis iniúchadh ar na bealaí éagsúla inar féidir le gamers a gcuid paisean a dhéanamh brabús.
Lá Mario 10 Márta
Cluichí, MarioDéan Lá MAR10 a cheiliúradh le LEGO® Super Mario™ – Na carachtair go léir is fearr leat lena n-áirítear samhail Nintendo Lego.
Dáta seolta oifigiúil The Gauntlet
Cluichí, Press ReleaseThe Gauntlet: Cluiche Mear Luais agus Scil
Tá Scattergood Studios bródúil as an scaoileadh The Gauntlet ar Gaile a fhógairt ar an 4th of March 2024. Arna fhorbairt ag Round Tables Studios atá bunaithe i mBaile Átha Cliath, tá an scaoileadh nua spreagúil seo deartha chun do luas agus do scileanna a thástáil agus tú ag rás trí shraith de chonstaic marfach. cúrsaí.
Why work with a Game Publisher?
Uncategorized @gaDeveloping a great game is just the start of your indie developer journey. Once completed – you need to start making sales.
GamerFest Launch Press Release
Nuacht, Press ReleasePRESS RELEASE
Scattergood Studios launches with 5 new game titles at GamerFest.
Dublin, Ireland, Oct 2023 – In an Irish first, new game development studio Scattergood Studios launches with 5 brand new titles at GamerFest supported by Savage X the leading Irish K-POP dance group.
Ventilate DevBlog #3
Uncategorized @gaVentilate DevBlog #3
Character Design
After a few weeks of hard work, we started to get our heads around character design and user playability.
GamerFest 2023
Uncategorized @gaStudio Launch October 2023
Photographs of our amazing launch event at GamerFest in the RDS.
Ventilate DevBlog #2
Uncategorized @gaVentilate DevBlog #2
So, it’s time for another little update.
We’re happy with the progress we’ve made on bits and pieces but over the next week, it should all come together more to form a cohesive whole.