Scattergood Studios agus Sic Semper Tyrannis Partner le Ceol a Thabhairt chuig Cluiche Nua Broken Brains ‘Crystal Edge Retribution’
RATOATH, MÍ, ÉIRE, 1 Feabhra, 2025 / — Scattergood Studios agus Sic Semper Tyrannis, tá dhá chumhachtaí cumhachta i saol na siamsaíochta agus leannáin ar leith curtha le chéile acu. Chomhoibrigh an bheirt chun ceol an bhanna a chur san áireamh i gcluiche nua a bhfuil súil leis go mór ag Broken Brains, Crystal Edge Retribution. Tá an cluiche, eachtra steampunk Hack ‘N Slais, ar fáil anois le Liosta Mianta ar Gaile.
Scattergood Studios agus Comhpháirtí Sic Semper Tyrannis
Chuir Dorian Gudenus, ceannaire an tionscadail ag Broken Brains, a sceitimíní in iúl faoin gcomhpháirtíocht seo, ag rá,
“Táimid thar a bheith sásta go bhfuil Scattergood Studios agus Sic Semper Tyrannis ar bord don chluiche is déanaí againn. Cruthóidh an meascán ceoil agus ár gcluiche eispéireas tumtha d’imreoirí nach raibh riamh cheana. Beidh an comhoibriú seo thar a bheith rathúil i measc díograiseoirí cluichí agus ceoil.”
Tá Crystal Edge Retribution suite i ndomhan steampunk ina nglacann imreoirí ról Alex, laoch oilte atá ag troid i gcoinne rialtas leatromach. Tá gameplay uathúil aeistéitiúil agus luas tapa an chluiche tar éis aird a tharraingt ó gamers ar fud an domhain cheana féin. Agus ceol Sic Semper Tyrannis curtha leis, tá geallúint go mbeidh an cluiche ina eispéireas níos spreagúla agus níos tarraingtí.
Is féidir le lucht leanúna an bhanna agus an chluiche araon mianadóireacht a dhéanamh ar Crystal Edge Retribution ar Steam agus a bheith ar an gcéad duine a bhfuil a fhios aige nuair a sheolann sé. Is teist é an comhoibriú seo idir Scattergood Studios, Sic Semper Tyrannis, agus Broken Brains ar an gcumhacht atá ann cineálacha éagsúla siamsaíochta a thabhairt le chéile.
Le haghaidh fiosrúcháin ó na meáin chumarsáide nó le haghaidh tuilleadh faisnéise, déan teagmháil le Damian Scattergood:
Sic Semper Tyrannis
We play melodic heavy metal or “metalcore” and have been performing regularly in the greater Vienna area for around 8 years. We greatly value our live performances and are valued by event organizers for our reliability and professionalism. In December 2016 we released our self-produced debut album “World Ablaze”. The following EP “Silence Lost its Appeal” celebrated its release in April 2019 in the “Szene Wien”. Our EP “Ignorance is Bliss” and the accompanying double CD have just been released. Our members are between 24 and 32 years old. Our texts are socially critical – but we consciously perform apolitical.
Wir spielen melodischen Heavy Metal bzw “Metalcore” und treten seit ca. 8 Jahren regelmäßig im Großraum Wien auf. Wir legen sehr viel Wert auf unsere Live-Performance und werden von Veranstaltern für unsere Zuverlässigkeit und Professionalität geschätzt. Im Dezember 2016 haben wir unser selbst produziertes Debüt-Album “World Ablaze” veröffentlicht. Die darauf folgende EP „Silence Lost its Appeal“ feierte ihren Release im April 2019 in der Szene Wien. Gerade neu erschienen ist unsere EP “Ignorance is Bliss” und die dazugehörige Doppel CD. Unsere Mitglieder sind zwischen 24 und 32 Jahre alt. Unsere Texte sind sozialkritisch – wir treten jedoch bewusst unpolitisch auf.
contact: Alexander Soecknick,+43 664 234 30 48
Scattergood Studios
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About the Game
Crystal Edge: Retribution is an exciting Hack’n’Slash that follows the story of Alex, who turns an oppressive & classist government on its head while showing off her ingenuity in this Victorian/Steampunk setting.
Young and talented swordswoman Alex tinkers with her newly developed gadgets and leaves her village to experiment with her newest creation. She returns to a horrific scene engulfed in flames and slaughter, with the perpetrators trying to flee. These crimes cannot go unpunished.
Enter the City
Face off against an oppressive and classist government to seek retribution for the unproved murder of your people in an intense & action-packed Victorian/Steampunk City. Follow Alex’s battle in this multi-chapter story, and exact revenge upon those who have destroyed her life.