Der Fehdehandschuh: Ein rasantes Spiel um Geschwindigkeit und Geschicklichkeit. Scattergood Studios kündigt die Veröffentlichung auf Steam für den 4. März 2024 an.
The Gauntlet: Szybka gra szybkości i zręczności. Scattergood Studios zapowiada premierę na Steam 4 marca 2024 roku.
The Gauntlet: Cluiche Mear Luais agus Scil
Tá Scattergood Studios bródúil as an scaoileadh The Gauntlet ar Gaile a fhógairt ar an 4th of March 2024. Arna fhorbairt ag Round Tables Studios atá bunaithe i mBaile Átha Cliath, tá an scaoileadh nua spreagúil seo deartha chun do luas agus do scileanna a thástáil agus tú ag rás trí shraith de chonstaic marfach. cúrsaí.
The Gauntlet: Un jeu de vitesse et d’adresse au rythme effréné
Scattergood Studios est fier d’annoncer la sortie de The Gauntlet sur Steam le 4 mars 2024.
Dublín, Irlanda, 6 de febrero de 2024, Scattergood Studios anuncia la fecha oficial de lanzamiento de “The Gauntlet”, un nuevo juego de los desarrolladores irlandeses Round Table Studios.
The Gauntlet: A Fast-Paced Game of Speed and Skill
Scattergood Studios is proud to announce the release of The Gauntlet on Steam on the 4th of March 2024. Developed by Dublin-based Round Tables Studios, this exciting new release is designed to test your speed and skills as you race through a series of lethal obstacle courses.
Scattergood Studios launches with 5 new game titles at GamerFest.
Dublin, Ireland, Oct 2023 – In an Irish first, new game development studio Scattergood Studios launches with 5 brand new titles at GamerFest supported by Savage X the leading Irish K-POP dance group.